Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Throughout this week we have been learning about the body and its functions, this topic includes puberty, the much dreaded subject. During these weeks we will be learning what happens to us during this period of time we will also be learning information that will help us to get through it.

By Sarah H (Week 4 Class Reporter)

Monday, 26 August 2013

Evie's Report About the Human body

This week we have been learning about the human body and all the different sytems and how they work. Some of the systems were the digestive system and the nervous system. There are many more. The nervous system helps you feel things. The digestive system helps you break down your food so it can help you grow. The body uses many different ways to absorb nutrients from food. The most interesting thing I have learnt is how all the organs work together. It is important to learn about the human body because you know how to look after it and take care of it.

By Evie

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Friday, 16 August 2013

Tino pai rawa Room 13!

Well done to everyone involved for such an outstanding assembly. It was great to see everyone contribute and get involved. A big thanks to Room 10 and an even bigger thanks to Mrs Cooper (a.k.a. Jane Campion) for her hours of editing work. I will add the rap video to the blog as soon as I get my hands on the file. Next stop… the year 7 assembly in week 6. Let the ideas flow!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mr Cooke

Moro Marathon

room13ipad's Fitness - Marathon album on Photobucket

This term Room 13 have been doing the kids moro marathon in parts each day. The moro marathon, is not eating Moro bars, (unfortunately) but is running 40km in small parts. Mr Cooke is getting us to run at least 2.1km every day. This is 5 laps around the hall and certain classroom blocks. Everyone does their very best. Some do 5 laps a day (like me), and others have done up to 10 laps. After each run, we write the number of kms in our book. We also got maps of the marathon. We were told to colour in one bar of the track for every km. Also for $2.50 we can run the last 2.195km on the day of the moro marathon. So far, this has been great for our fitness and health and it will carry on doing so. And maybe we might be able to have some Moro bars after all that running. 

 By Abe (Week 3 Class Reporter)

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Respect Assembly

This week we teamed up with Room 10 to run this weeks whole school Assembly. The theme is respect and how we treat each other. Mrs Cooper had come up with a respect rap and a video to go with it. Some children had been given solos and even the teachers get their own solos! The class got divided into 6 groups, five of them are doing role play and the other one was the interviewing students around the school. I had to interview Evie. The role play groups had been given items (eg. Mint, band aid, etc.) and each had a meaning like the juicy fruit meant to stick with it and you can accomplish anything. The role play will be live tomorrow at Assembly.

By Sarah d (Week 3 Class Reporter)


room13ipad's Full school assembly prep album on Photobucket