Student Gallery

This page is all about sharing students' work. Students' wonderful work will be uploaded to this blog for people to admire. We have some really talented students in Room 13, so this page will be jam-packed with great work that the creator ought to be proud of.

Some work the students have been doing!
room13ipad's StudentsWork album on Photobucket


Clouds, fluffy, dancing in the sky,

cream, whipped, giving the spoon a thick coat.

Snow, soft, drifting from above,

stones, sitting, baking in the sun.

Paper, straight, lying on the table,

bubbles, round, popping slowly as they drift.

Ice, hard, melting dreamily under the sun,

paint, sticky, like thick cream in a pot.


Thanks for this great poem by Helena

cooro365's Start of year name tags album on Photobucket

cooro365's Tech products - 2013 album on Photobucket


cooro365's Identity Flags album on Photobucket


  1. I'm going to attempt to try and send some of my camp photos from my camera but I've got too many water fight ones!

  2. Sarah it will be okay you can get through this

  3. Unfortunatly I lost the thing that connects my camera to my computer so now they're stuck on my camera forever.. Or until I delete them.

  4. Did that seriously have to be your username????

  5. The blog looks great this year!

    -Sabrina S and Lily J (Lily came down to visit)

  6. I think a glitch has happened.
    To see Helena's poem you need to highlight the text.
