Saturday, 22 June 2013

School cross country coming up

Tie your laces in double knots. Put on your gloves for an early morning run in the frost. Dust of that old sweatband and prepare yourself for SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY!

This will be held on the first Tuesday back in week 1 of term 3 (July 30th)  so start training.

Good luck!

Author's Visit courtesy of Room 13

We were lucky to have Abe’s Grandmother Barbara Else visit us this Friday and speak to us about her new book The Queen and the Nobody Boy which is a finalist in the New Zealand Post Book Awards Final in the Junior Author category.

Barbara read us segments of her new book and answered some questions from the audience. It was great to get an insight from such an established and skillful author. Thanks to Abe and his family for the hook up.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Personalising your class dojo avatar

How to get your secret code...

1. Log in to your student email account
2. Send me ( an email asking for your secret code.

Your email needs to start by greeting me (e.g. Hello Mr Cooke)

THEN (on a new line) ask me for your code (make sure to use a question mark to punctuate a question).

THEN (on a new line) finish by signing off your correspondence.

e.g. Thanks, Your sincerely, Kind regards (your name)


If you complete this task I will send you your secret code and you can go to and customise your avatar!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Class photos for sale

What a sharp looking bunch of people we have in Room 13 this year illustrated by our fabulous class photo. I have added a rough photo of it here if any parents would like to see it before they decide on whether to purchase on. Please remember to get your forms in by Friday!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

ASPIRE presentations

A huge congratulations to everyone for completing their first every Balmacewen ASPIRE project! The standard of projects was excellent this year. It was great to see so many people utilise electronic resources. Of course there we also some fantastic projects that kept it to hard copy. A special mention must be given to Taylah for her beautifully presented scrap book. Taylah along with Abe, Soli, Daniel and Dmitri received excellence certificates but it was a hard call because so many projects were fantastic. Next up... SCIENCE FAIR!