Friday, 11 October 2013

First week back (while Mr Cooke is away)

Hi Room 13

I trust you have all had a great break and are ready to get stuck into a busy Term 4 programme. I will be away for the first week as I am going to stay home and help my wife Katherine out and look after our new daughter Olive who was born on the middle Saturday of the holidays.

The only homework I require you to do for week 1 is to practise your spelling words (no sentences needed) and to organise your Term 3 ASPIRE project so that by the start of week 2 (i.e. by Monday morning) you are able report to the class on your progress towards achieving your SMART goal and you are able to talk about the steps you have taken to try and reach this goal.

I look forward to hearing from Mrs Palmer about students who impressed her :-)

Here is Olive: